How to upload or update a mode at

New Mode:

  • Make sure the contribution is released unde a free license, preferably the GNU Public License (the license used for the Jed editor itself).

  • Download and unpack mode-template.tgz

  • Edit dcdata.txt.

  • Optionally, create a /mode/<modename>/doc/ subdir and place additional documentation (screenshots, html-documents, changelog, modefuns.txt) there.

The following actions differ for Jedmodes developers and other contributors:

Non Developers

  • Send to one of the Jedmodes Maintainers or so the developers can upload it.

  • If the mode’s source file(s) shall be on sourceforge as well, send them along with the metadata. Otherwise make sure the identifier: in your dcdata.txt file points to a download location.


  • Upload (with scp or rsync) the modes catalogue dir to:

  • Push the sources to Git.

  • Check the modes homepage<modename>/ as well as the listings in Mode - Subject and Categories and eventually adapt the metadata in dcdata.txt to give your mode the right place.

New Version:

  • Update dcdata.txt if needed. (e.g. if you have hardcoded hasVersions: and/or date: terms)

  • Update the additional info in the doc/ directory (if needed).

Non Developers


  • Commit the changes to Git

  • Update the dcdata.txt metadata file (if changed):

    scp dcdata.txt <username>,<modename>/

Jedmodes Mode

The experimental jedmodes mode contains “wizard functions” that can guide you through the process of creating and updating a mode.



The Jedmodes Mode is not yet updated to use the Git repository.


Developers have write access to the Jedmodes web space and Git repository. People planning to publish several modes (and to update them regularely) might consider to get an account at Sourceforge and ask a project administrator for inclusion in the developers list.